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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Why won't people stop talking about this flipping Birth Certificate?

I just don't get it.  Every newscaster and pundit and idiotic blogger out there is waxing poetic about how everybody else is obsessing over this birth certificate and how it's such a trivial issue.  Kind of hypocritical being that by making that point, they are now the ones talking about it and substantiating it.  Fucking Huffington Post has like 30 articles about it.  I turn on the TV and all I see is Donald Trump spewing fecal matter out of his mouth and more fucking stories about this stupid Royal Wedding.  Meanwhile, there's 3 wars going on, Paul Ryan is trying to privatize medicare and murder the shit out old people, and the entire midwest looks like that movie Twister.  Mass destruction, wars, and flying cows all over the fucking place and all these "journalists" just keep yacking about Obama's birth certificate.  I for one, have had enough of the birth certificate issue.  I could literally go on for hours about how I don't want to talk about Obama's birth certificate or even birth certificates in general.  I mean seriously, birth certificate, birth certificate, birth certificate!  Who the fuck cares?  Check back later for a special 2000 word essay about the history of birth certificates, how birth certificates affect our lives, why they look and smell the way they do and most importantly, did Jesus have a birth certificate?

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