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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Monthly Check-in on the Mets

I understand in this day & age--with the nonstop sports news programs--that every analyst & media person feels the need to make outrageous, polarizing predictions or comments as quickly as possible, but sometimes it just goes overboard. Sometimes a person is so quick to state an opinion, it totally ruins the concept of journalism. I'm talking, of course, about Freedchips' April 6th blog post titled, "The Mets are Dominating!"

As anyone who religiously watches the Red Sox knows, 20 games into the season is too soon to make a judgment, let alone 4 games into the season like Freedchips did.

And how did the Mets do after our fearless leader of the meh blog made his outrageous claims? They promptly lost 10 of their next 11 games, ending any & all hope for Mets fans once again. Oh well, unlike Yankees fans, at least the Mets fans won't be spending the next 5 months thinking their team has a shot.

Go Red Sox.


  1. mets have won 4 straight. ike davis is a monster, bay is back. and i can get front row seats for like 4 bucks, suck it.

  2. That's the beauty of the Mets...they can win 4 straight & still be in the basement with absolutely no hope on the horizon.

    Only a matter of time til the Yankees are in the same spot as the Mets in the standings.
