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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Guy with Pinnochio nose and floppy Dumbo ears is a passive aggressive pussy birther!

First off, I just want to say how proud I am of the title of this blog.  Sure, maybe it's not all concise and witty like "journalists" would want it, but this title has it all... drama, intrigue, Disney references, and most of all, it calls attention to how weird this guy Carl Seels face is.  It's hard to even watch this interview since his face kind of makes me want to throw up.  I mean this guy's from Arizona right?  Get a tan bro, you live in the fucking desert.  Maybe spend some of that congressional salary on a nose job so you don't look like fucking Steve Martin in "Roxanne."  And enough of this passive aggressive shit, pussy footing around the issue.  Everyone knows you are a batshit crazy, racist birther with huge ears.  Saying this "isn't about Obama" and quoting MLK isn't going to fire up your base.  You don't see Donald Trump mincing his words, and that's why he's killing it in the polls right now.  And by killing it, I mean he's in the lead at about 12% approval or something like that.

Look, if you're going to sell crazy, you've got to own that shit.  If there's anything Americans hate more than an idiotic, bigoted guy with a weird face, it's an idiotic, bigoted guy with a weird face who doesn't have the balls to own up to his beliefs.  You have to go out and say some insane, earth shattering, bozo-the clown shit.  Compare Obama to Hitler or Stalin or Mao, put a red button on your nose and start doing Indian chants or something.  Get on a reality show where you take Snooki and Gary Busey into the Alaska wilderness and fire whoever does a worse job of shooting a moose.  Then go on Fox News and talk about how Obama was born in a Kenyan mosque, and his family planted his certificate of live birth, and a couple birth announcements in newspapers so that 40 years later, he could run for President and destroy America by increasing the marginal income tax rate of the wealthy from 36 to 39 percent and have his wife go all Joseph Stalin on school lunches and childhood obesity.

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