What do you think is meh?

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spitting in public is meh

This is something that really pisses me off.  Nary a day goes by that I don't see some punk spitting on the street.  The worst is when said spit is preceded by that phlegmy sound of them preparing the spit in their mouth.  I don't get this.  I have no desire to spit, ever.  What is wrong with these mongrels?  Just walking around spitting and phlegming up our sidewalks and streets.  I've even seen people do it indoors.  It's the type of thing that just makes me want to smash the perpetrators face in with a brick.  That may seem a bit extreme, but to me this act just shows a complete and utter lack of respect for the people around you.  And nothing says respect me like a jagged brick to the face.  I totally wish this video would end with some dude coming by and bricking the shit out of these kids, and maybe tasing them while they're on the ground soaking wet from the pool of loogies they just discharged.

I mean, is this supposed to look cool or something?  Is this what the rebellious kids do when they can't score a pack of smokes?  Sit on a chain fence and spit all over the place?  It's just ridiculous, and it's always the punky, ghetto looking losers that do this, so you know they're not contributing anything worth while to society.  Pretty much just makes them a complete waste of life in my estimation.

Update: So I was done blogging about that first video when I noticed all the compliments these pricks were getting in the comments section, and all the other videos that were popping up about "hot" and "cool" guys spitting.  Naturally I thought these titles were sarcastic.  Turns out I was wrong.  Apparently, there's a breed of european chicks that think this is awesome.  And that makes me think that europeans are just fucking weird and gross.  Sorry Europe, I hate to make generalizations like that, but I officially have no desire to visit any of your lame, spit-loving countries.  Is this what passes for porn over there?  There's something seriously wrong with your society.  Nah, just joking.  But here I was thinking that American kids were the absolute worst people on earth since they love Jersey shore and they're all a bunch of trashy, pussy, douchey, entitled losers, but really, it's all kids.  Glad to see the kids across the pond are just as stupid and useless as the kids here.  Almost makes me tear up with pride for America.

1 comment:

  1. This is soooo gross and I've always hated it!

    People look like barbarians when they do this and It really makes me want to shake them like their parents should have!
