What do you think is meh?

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Monday, April 11, 2011

Family gets $54000 tax refund, makes me mad, then wins me over...

When I first read the headline to this story, I immediately got really pissed off.  I thought to myself, boy this is just classic.  Our government at work, making crazy loopholes and ridiculous rules for people to take advantage of, and leaving honest, hardworking tax payers like the good people at meh blog to foot the bill.  I was infuriated and could have just started throwing hissy fit and knocking shit all over the place.  But then, when I read the story, I thought, well these people are doing some really good things.  If anyone deserves that money, it's them, and at least it's going to a good cause.  Encouraging people to adopt by providing them with a reasonable amount of money to cover their costs makes a lot of sense.

Still, what I have always found pretty meh is that people get huge tax breaks for having kids.  This makes absolutely no sense to me.  I understand it's expensive to raise kids, and the tax breaks help people get by.  But you know what?  If you can't afford a kid, don't have a fucking kid.  Why should I pay more so Billy Bob can have 35 freaking kids running around terrorizing the neighborhood.  Isn't it peculiar to anybody that it seems like the people who have no business raising children always seem to have the most children?  You know the type.  Irresponsible, stupid rednecks that never learned to wrap it up.  So they're just pumping out a bajillion little rugrats that do nothing but increase class sizes in schools, lower our median test scores, increase the deficit and go on to a life of rampant drug use, all while making my taxes soar, because Cletus can't pay his fair share.  Makes me sick.  Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go adopt some kids and get me some 13 grand tax write-offs.

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