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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Oy Vey Bieber.

Fucking Bieber, this kid's got some real chutzpah.  I don't want to seem like I'm kvetching over nothing, but this Bieber putz seems like a real meshuggener or dare I say, shmegeggy, pardon my French.  Anyway, I feel like this is a real slap in the face to Israel, and to the rest of the world.  It's not so much that Bieber didn't end up meeting the Israeli prime minister.  I think what's more upsetting is that he was ever supposed to.  Like, hey Benji, aren't you bombing the shit out of people right now.  Isn't your country basically constantly on the brink of war?  Are you a 13 year old girl?  No?  Well then why the fuck would you want to meet Justin Bieber?  Why is Justin Bieber capable of being involved in a "diplomatic breakdown?"  Why is this a story in the New York Times?  When did the New York Times start getting their stories from TMZ?  So many questions.  But seriously, once the line between celebrity gossip and international diplomacy starts to get blurred, I think we need to take a step back and slap ourselves in the face.  Sorry for the shpiel, I'm just verklempt.

Special thanks to Alex M. for bringing this ludicrous story to my attention.

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