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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Jerry Seinfeld is a true baller and should be working at meh blog

Love this guy's style right now.  He sees something meh, and he wants nothing to do with it.  He takes a dump all over Donald Trump's face and watches him cry like a little bitch writing angry letters.  Hey Donald, writing letters is for pussies.  Why don't you go to Jerry's house like a man and talk to him face to face.  Why not?  Because you know he's probably chilling with Keith Hernandez who will stomp your hair piece up your ass on sight.

Then Jerry takes a swipe at the Royal Wedding while on British TV.  And the fact is he's just completely on point.  The royal wedding is a joke.  The royal family is a joke.  Who cares about a bunch of people who were born into unimaginable wealth?  They didn't have to work a day in their life and they're just handed fame and fortune as soon as they pop out of the womb.  Didn't have to build a company from the ground up, didn't have to write any ingenious songs or movies, didn't have to start an amazingly earth shattering blog, didn't even have to act like complete whores and buffoons on a crappy reality show.  Yup, pretty sure it's time to get rid of this whole "monarchy" system, especially since they have no power anymore anyway.  Just a complete waste of time, money and prime castle real estate.  I'm so impressed right now I'm ready to skip all the formalities like resumes and interviews, and offer Jerry a job right here, right now, at meh blog.  The guy is just oozing meh blog all over the place.  Kind of reminds me of Razor Ramone oozing machizmo back in the day, except Jerry is oozing straight up 100% meh, just mehing the shit out of everybody.

1 comment:

  1. Downside of getting rid of the monarchy: "God Save the Queen" is the second best national anthem in existence right now (after the English version of "O Canada").
