What do you think is meh?

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Uhhhhhhh, what?

You know, I'm sure you're all expecting me to totally destroy this girl.  That's what loyal meh blog readers have come to expect, but honestly, I don't think this is that bad of an idea.  I mean, it is.... and it isn't.  On the one hand, it's preposterously stupid and pointless.  But on the other hand, I think there's a lot of people that would buy these jars.  In fact, I'm willing to bet that if Glenn Beck did a show about how Barack Obama is planning on taking away our air and giving it to the Jihadists, and then did a commercial selling jars of fresh Himalayan mountain air, literally everyone watching Fox news would call up and buy a shitload of jars of air.  Then they'd just pile as much up as they could next to their assault rifles and gold coins in their makeshift bunker.

Also, gotta love the part about everybody's life force being in the air, and how pollution is really just negative energy.  That's some existential shit right there.  Totally selling me.  And here I've been wasting thousands of dollars going to all these places, when what I should have done was just bought some air for a few hundred bucks.  That brings us to my genius idea... if we combine the air with a dvd of some pictures of the other country, we've totally replaced the entire traveling experience.  Absolutely no reason to ever spend money on a trip again.  Booyah!  Gimme my 500 grand, gonna need a bunch of experts and stuff to make this happen.

1 comment:

  1. Hey fellas just caught up on all the posts, love the blog.
