What do you think is meh?

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Thursday, March 31, 2011

The internet makes me uncomfortable.

Come on Tom, you're never gonna get with Kathy with a pussy attitude like that.  Should have played it cool and been like "Hey Kathy, I saw some cool stuff surfing the web last night, wanna come over and check it out later?"  It's almost impossible to blog about this because it pretty much speaks for itself.  From the awkward unrealistic conversation between Kathy and Tom, to the Microsoft word chatroom they are in, to the classic Chester the Molester with the mustache and the cutoff t-shirt.  I mean, is it even possible to have a mustache and not look like a complete pervert?  I don't know what it is about that specific type of facial hair, but every time I see someone with a mustache, I just assume that he's a sexual predator.

1 comment:

  1. I will give them credit for one thing though, that phat beat at the end.
