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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bicycles make people mad


So we have all these new bike lanes in NYC and of course everybody's has to have an opinion on whether they are a good idea or not.  People got nothing better to do than to run their mouths about how the city's going to shit because they drew some lines on the street where the bikers get to ride their little bikes and not have to worry about getting mowed down by some asshole cab driver eating a slice of pizza and talking on his bluetooth. Nothing pisses me off more than a bunch of prick New Yorkers getting all uppity over stupid shit like this. Bottom line, if you're a pedestrian, you hate all forms of traffic, cars, bikes, busses, everything.  If you're driving a car, nothing is more annoying than pedestrians meandering around the streets.  Every time I drive in the city, I want to murder everyone that walks in front of my car.  And if you're on a bike, well you're probably just disobeying all the rules and pissing everybody off.  You're either biking down the sidewalk where people are trying to walk, or biking on the street and slowing down traffic.

So yeah, I don't really see the downside to giving bikers their own lane as long as they start to obey the rules.  The problem is that bikers in NYC seem to think they're in the fucking wild west or something.  Like the rules don't apply to them.  They're all over the place, the street, the sidewalks, the parks.  They don't stop for red lights and they expect everyone to move out of their way.  Makes me sick.  Wish I had a baseball bat every time one of these guys rides past me and yells "on your left" or god forbid rings one of their little bells.  What we need is more bike cops, so these jerk bikers get ticketed when they do something wrong.  Bam, genius, once again friedchips is coming up with brilliant ideas and making the city a fortune in profits.  meh blog for mayor?

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