What do you think is meh?

meh blog wants to hear what you think is meh. send your blog suggestions to mehtips@gmail.com!

Friday, March 25, 2011

New Blogger Madness

Well, here we are, the end of week 2 at meh blog.  It's been a long hard journey, filled with ups, downs, happy moments, sad moments, and unbridled success.  Today, we add our second official meh blogger, Rmurdera.  BAM, POW, just saying fuck it and doubling the size of the company.  Ain't nobody gonna hold us down, we've got to keep on moving.  Now we've got both NYC and Cali represented at meh blog.  Gonna be interesting to see how the Cali experiment goes.  Frankly, there's got to be a lot less to complain about out there than in crappy New York, but I guess we'll see.  Either way, meh blog is the toast of the interwebs right now.  We're just Mark Zuckerberging the shit out of everybody, kicking ass and taking names with sweet, sultry blogs.

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