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Thursday, May 19, 2011

San Francisco Goes all Hitler on everybody

From Huffington PostSAN FRANCISCO — A proposal to ban the circumcision of male children in San Francisco has been cleared to appear on the November ballot, setting the stage for the nation's first public vote on what has long been considered a private family matter.
But even in a city with a long-held reputation for pushing boundaries, the measure is drawing heavy fire. Opponents are lining up against it, saying a ban on a religious rite considered sacred by Jews and Muslims is a blatant violation of constitutional rights.

Banning water bottles is all well and good, but why do they gotta go messing with Jewish traditions?  Fucking San Francisco.  They just love banning shit.  Look, I know circumcision may hurt, but that's life.  Sometimes you just have to do things you don't want to do.  I have to schlep myself into crappy Manhattan to go to my dead end job 5 days a week.  Babies have to get their dicks ripped up.  Thems are the breaks. Plus, in the long run, you've just got to have a circumcised dick.  Having sex is embarrassing enough for me already with my weird nipples.  Adding an uncircumcised nub to the mix would Not. Be. Cool.    

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